lp text welcome 01.gif to neon peiglar pics.gif photo album!

Click on flags below to view travel pics from around the world.

flag usa1a.gif United States of America

flag country iceland.gif Iceland flag country gb england.gif England flag country germany.gif Germany flag country spain.gif Spain flag country italy.gif Italy flag country ireland.gif Ireland flag country gb wales.gif Wales flag country gb scotland.gif Scotland

flag country new zealand.gif New Zealand flag country antarctica.gif Antarctica flag country australia.gif Australia flag country vatican city 1.gif Vatican City flag country austria.gif Austria flag country liechtenstein.gif Liechtenstein flag country switzerland.gif Switzerland flag country san marino.gif San Marino 1226 no line.gif

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flag usa1a.gif United States of America photo album! flag usa1a.gif

1226 no line.gif lp arrow back.gif

                                                                           003 uss america cv66.gif CV-66 Patches storm watch sm.jpg Desert Storm

                                                                           flag military navy.gif US Navy - USS America CV-66 & USNS Apache T-ATF-172

                                                                           flag florida.gif Gatorland, Orlando Florida

                                                                           flag new york.gif New York City

                                                                           flag ohio.gif Cleveland Ohio

                                                                           flag washington dc.gif Washington DC

flag country iceland.gif Iceland photo album! flag country iceland.gif

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iceland thingvallir neg.jpg Thingvallir

flag country gb england.gif England, Wales and Scotland photo album! flag country gb wales.gif flag country gb scotland.gif

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                                                                           england  big ben 01neg.jpg London, Winsor, Stone Hindge, York
                                                                           scotland edinburgh castle 03neg.jpg Edinburogh Castle
                                                                           wales castle neg.jpg Castle in Wales

flag country germany.gif Germany photo album! flag country germany.gif

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                                                                                       gb24341_15neg.jpg Bavarian Germany
                                                                                       gd19333_01neg.jpg Dachau prision camp Germany
                                                                                       gm48889_20neg.jpg Munich, Germany

flag country spain.gif Spain photo album! flag country spain.gif

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spain cv66 photo mosaic neg.jpg

flag country italy.gif Italy photo album! flag country italy.gif

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it caserta 02 neg.jpg Caserta, Italy
it cremona 24340_04 neg.jpg Cremora, Italy
it cuma 26658_22 neg.jpg Cuma, Italy
it florance 18190_09 neg.jpg Florence, Italy
it florance  gargoyle 48153_07 neg.jpg Gargoyles of Florence Italy
it gaete 88662_12 neg.jpg Gaeta, Italy

it mtc 48153_15 neg.jpg Abbey of Montecassino, Italy
it naples skull bald neg.jpg Naples, Italy
it naples fire 43393_21 neg.jpg Fires of Naples, Italy
it paestum 26658_05 neg.jpg Paestum, Italy
it pisa bw 05 neg.jpg Pisa, Italy
it pompeii snake neg.jpg Pompeii, Italy

it pozz 43393_36 neg.jpg Pozzuoli, Italy
it rome boca bw 09 neg.jpg Rome, Italy
it sicily  45269_18 neg.jpg Sicilly, Italy
it sicily  arg 10807_11 neg.jpg Agrigento Sicilly, Italy
it torino11638_22 neg.jpg Torino, Italy

flag country ireland.gif Ireland photo album! flag country ireland.gif

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ireland croaghpatrick sign.jpg Murrisk, Croagh Patrick and some castles

flag country new zealand.gif New Zealand photo album! flag country new zealand.gif

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nz kawarau river neg.jpg Kawarau River.

flag country antarctica.gif Antarctica photo album! flag country antarctica.gif

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                                                                                                    ant patch mcmurdo deep freeze.gif Antarctica Patches

                                                                           ant byrd camp surface neg.jpg Byrd Surface Camp, Antarctica
                                                                           ant cape evans neg.jpg Camp Evans, Antarctica
                                                                           ant mcmurdo neg.jpg McMurdo Station, Antarctica
                                                                           ant mte dry neg.jpg Dry Valley & Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
                                                                           ant sunset mte neg.jpg The Different Skies of Antarctica

flag country australia.gif Australia photo album! flag country australia.gif

1226 no line.gif lp arrow back.gif

aus sidney cairns neg.jpg Cairns Daintree Rainforest & Sidney

flag country vatican city 1.gif Vatican City photo album! flag country vatican city 1.gif

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vatican glass 28628_17neg.jpg The Vatican.

flag country austria.gif Austria photo album! flag country austria.gif

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austria 48891_09neg.jpg Austria.

flag country liechtenstein.gif Liechtenstein photo album! flag country liechtenstein.gif

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liechtenstein 48890_14neg.jpg Vaduz, Liechtenstein.

flag country switzerland.gif Switzerland photo album! flag country switzerland.gif

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swiss 48890_08neg.jpg Swiss Alps.

flag country san marino.gif San Marino photo album! flag country san marino.gif

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sanmarino 89769_24neg.jpg The Republic of San Marino.