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Quiz: Where is Austria’s ranking within the Human Development Index (HDI)?
Salzburg, Austria.
Pentex K1000
Date 2000
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austria 48891_20.jpg 400 black table cell bar.jpg Hohensalzburg Castle Fortress is one of the largest medieval castles in Europe. Construction of the fortress began in 1077 it stands today as one of the best preserved castles in Europe.
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1225 black table cell bar.jpg Getreidegasse is a busy shopping street in the Old-Town section of Salzburg.

austria 48891_09.jpg 400 black table cell bar.jpg Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born at 9 Getreidegasse and where he lived until the age of 17. Salzburg’s University church is the view from his window.
The Baroque style Salzburg’s University church or Kollegienkirche was built between 1694 and 1707 for the local Benedictine university. austria 48891_12.jpg
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Inside University church statues of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John.
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Alters inside University church.
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Exterior of Salzburg Cathedral.

400 black table cell bar.jpg Statues of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John at the entrance of Salzburg Cathedral. austria 48891_21.jpg
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Salzburg’s City Hall (Rathaus) clock tower.

Statue of Maria on the Domplatz, Salzburg.
Answer to Quiz ==> 25th.
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