of Illusions!
Click on the illusion below to view.
Hidden pictures
Word Illusions
Blind Spot Test
After Image illusions
Spots and Dots illusions
Mona Lisa illusions
Peripheral Drift Illusion
Geometric Illusions
Impossible Images?
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This page last updated when ever we get around to it.
PeigLar™and since 1999
Hidden picture, can you find 3 faces!
Hidden picture, can you find 2 faces!
Hidden picture, Is this is a picture of a fish and fisherman in a boat!
Can you read this?
Good or Evil?
Word or Picture?
Blind Spot Left Eye!
Close your right eye. With your left eye stare at the orange dot and slowly move closer to the screen. Notice that the two blue bars are now one!
Blind Spot Right Eye!
Close your left eye. With your right eye stare at the cross and slowly move closer to the screen. Notice that the hole is gone!
After Image Flag.
Stare at the center of the pictrue for 30 seconds, then stare at a white wall for 30 seconds. Notice that the flag has the corect colors!
After Image Skull.
Stare at the center of the pictrue for 30 seconds, then stare at a white wall for 30 seconds. Can you see the white skull?
After Image Hart.
Stare at the center of the pictrue for 30 seconds, then stare at a white wall for 30 seconds. See the red hart?
Green Dot.
Stare at the center of the pictrue. Can you see the green dot?
Seeing Spots.
Stare at the pictrue. Can you see black spots?
Now you see them, Now you don't!
The longer you stare at the pictrue, the more dots disapear!
Mona Lisa is upside down but what else is wrong!
Hint: turn Mona Lisa rightside up.
Peripheral Drift: Gears in motion or not.
Peripheral Drift: Are these waves realy rolling?
Peripheral Drift: Must be a windy day.
Geometrical: Making stright lines curve.
Geometrical: Changing 2D to 3D with only stright lines.
Geometrical: The floating disk.
Impossible Image.
Impossible Image.
Impossible Image.